Welcome to Kitchenista!

Hi, everyone!

I was putting off writing a blog again for years and today, I finally decided I can't avoid it no more. Well, I did do the avoiding for valid reasons. Ever since I started my job, it's hard to find time alone that I felt comfortable writing in and two, my English writing proficiency did downgrade a little bit these past few years. But anyway, screw all those. I am gonna try my best (I've probably said that a few times already with all the previous blogs I've had lol) this time around! I believe that writing will be a breeze once I incorporate it back into my routine just like exercise did it for me. I mean, who would've thought?!

Anyway, this is my new writing venture. I have always been interested in cooking in general baking, savory dishes, Filipino food, everything under that umbrella & Sumo was the one who encouraged me to do a blog about all the food recipes that I've loved through the years! Hence, I created this sweet little thing which will later on turn to the domain that I bought kitchenista.xyz (obviously still under construction but it will come!) because I'm an aspiring fashionista with kitchen sass just like that lol

The best part about this is that all the recipes would be familiar with just a few tips up on my sleeve. I mean, I am a humble cook enthusiast just like everyone else. I didn't study in a cooking school or anything, all I want is to share what I know and build this community of people who also love to cook! Thanks to my endless marathons of Masterchefs and of course, the knowledge I've acquired through reading and browsing through hundreds of recipes! I absolutely love reading and watching anything cooking related. Masterchef, Chef's Table, to The Final Table, The Big Family Cooking Showdown, and Nadia's Time to Eat. Literally, just hand every cooking show out there to me and I'm gonna take it. And the funny thing is, I always get so lured into the dishes I see on these shows that at times, I just immediately rush off to the supermarket to get ingredients for a single dish. There was once a week when I spent recreating Nadia's rushed dishes and I realised how much ready-made puff pastry is important in my life. I've had one in our freezer since then. I mean, I'll probably just tell you to buy puff pastry for your recipes too but... it's a time saver, you get what I mean?

So... cheers to all of us aspiring cooks! Comments will be welcome! If you feel you have anything to share to better a recipe, why not? Who knows? In the future, I might have the joy of opening this website to contributors who share the same love for cooking as much as I do. And together, we'll share our most cultivated recipes!

See you all in the lovely web!

Your friendly neighborhood kitchenista,


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